September 18, 2023

Home Cleaning Services in Marathahalli

At Shine Xpert Home Cleaning Services in Marathahalli, Bangalore, we offer top-quality home cleaning. We make your entire home clean and fresh, paying attention to every detail. We also specialize in cleaning your kitchen, bathrooms, and sofas/carpet. Enjoy a cleaner, healthier home without the hassle. Experience the excellence of Shine Xpert Home Cleaning Services in Marathahalli today!

We are the cover area in your Property

Living Room:

  1. Sofa
  2. Chair
  3. Table
  4. Floor scrubbing with fragrance soap
  5. Mopping


  1. Top Cupboards
  2. Chimney
  3. Cooktop
  4. Lower cupboards
  5. Sink
  6. Under-sink
  7. Window
  8. Glass
  9. Floor scrubbing with fragrance soap
  10. Mopping


  1. wardrobes
  2. cupboards
  3. Tables
  4. Chairs
  5. Cot
  6. Window
  7. Glass
  8. Door
  9. Floor scrubbing with fragrance soap
  10. Mopping


  1. Geyser
  2. water taps surface
  3. Shower surface
  4. Pipe surface
  5. Flush tank in & Out
  6. Toilet Bowl
  7. Floor scrubbing with fragrance soap
  8. Mopping


  1. Wall surface
  2. Balcony grill
  3. Floor scrubbing with fragrance soap
  4. Mopping

Apart from the above list, we do customized cleaning based on your special requirements.

Our price is very competitive compared to any other service provider in Bangalore. To opt for our service, please WhatsApp to (+91- 7090 122 133)